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The NorESM telecons provide a valuable opportunity for users and developers of NorESM to discuss and exchange ideas on science ...
The NorESM telecons provide a valuable opportunity for users and developers of NorESM to discuss and exchange ideas on science ...
INES2: Infrastructure for Norwegian Earth System Modelling phase 2 Climate change presents increasingly severe risks to ecosystems and society, necessitating ...
A climate model solves mathematically formulated natural laws on a three-dimensional grid. The climate model divides the Earth system into components (atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, land with vegetation, ice sheets, etc.) that interact through the exchange of energy, momentum and moisture. When the climate model also includes advanced interactive atmosphere chemistry and biogeochemical cycles (such as the carbon cycle), it is called an Earth system model.
The Norwegian Earth System Model NorESM has been developed since 2007 and has been an important tool for Norwegian climate researchers in the study the past, present and future climate. NorESM has also contributed to climate simulation that have been featured in the IPCC’s fifth and sixth main assessment reports.