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CMOR Workshop intro for NorESM

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Zoom CMOR workshop

A mini-workshop was held on post-processing (CMOR) NorESM2 output data

A half day workshop was held online via Zoom in the morning of Tuesday, 8th of June. 14 NorESM developers and users from 6 Norwegian institutions participated in the workshop.

The workshop was started with 1 hour presenation to introduce some basic ideas and workflow of the CMOR (Climate Model Output Rewritter), and followed with 2 hours demonstrations and hands-on for CMIP6 experiments and non-CMIP6 experiments.

CMORization of raw ESM model output fullfills the requirements of many of the climate community’s standard model experiments (which are referred to here as “MIPs”). CMORized data is considered as FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability). It facilitates the archving and sharing of the dataset with climate research community and beyond, and the data can be analysed with community-based software, such as ESMValTool.

A tool package ‘noresm2cmor’ ( programed mainly with Fortran and Shell scripts is designed for this purpose for NorESM.It pre-processes the NorESM1 and NorESM2 output of single time slice, multiple variables, and call the CMOR2/3 fortran interfaces (API) to rewrite the model output to a single-variable multiple timeslices files. The ‘master’ branch of this tool is used for CMIP5/CMIP6 experiments, while another light-weighted ‘noncmip’ branch is tailored for user (non-CMIP) experiments.

Introduction slides to the ideas and workflow of CMOR are attached. Download here