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Join NorESM Telecons for insights on Weather Detection, Profiling, Machine Learning, and Supermodelling!

  • News

The NorESM telecons provide a valuable opportunity for users and developers of NorESM to discuss and exchange ideas on science and technology. These sessions also serve as an open forum where general updates and useful information about NorESM can be shared. Each telecon typically includes one or two short scientific presentations, alongside time for sharing practical insights and discussing current topics.

Presentations may cover ongoing or new projects, recent findings, model development, diagnostic tools, or any challenges and updates of general interest. All topics are welcome, and we encourage participants to share both finished and in-progress work to foster constructive discussions.

What is the NorESM Telecon?

  • An online seminar dedicated to promoting discussions and knowledge exchange among research groups using and developing NorESM.
  • A platform for researchers and experts in climate modeling and infrastructure to contribute to an informal lecture series, strengthening collaboration across institutions.
  • A place to share general updates and information related to NorESM.

The telecons are typically held every second Wednesday, from 1 pm to 2 pm

How do I sign up for upcoming NorESM telecons:

  • You can subscribe to the NorESM user email to get information about the NorESM telecons, calendar invites, and zoom links:
  • Please check your spam folder  when subscribing, but also for noresm-telecon invitations!
  • Feel free to send us an email if you encounter problems or don’t receive the calendar invitations

If you would like to present on the NorESM-telecon, we would be very happy.  Please contact Alok ( ), Ada ( or Dirk (

 Upcoming NorESM telecons:

  • 30th of October 2024: Clemens Spensberger (UiB) will present on online detection of weather events in NorESM
  • 13th of November 2024: Johannes Larsen Fjeldsjå (MET Norway) will present on profiling and machine learning with NorESM
  • 27th of November 2024: Francine Schevenhoven (UiB) will present on  supermodelling and machine learning
  • to be continued!