INES2: Infrastructure for Norwegian Earth System Modelling phase 2
Climate change presents increasingly severe risks to ecosystems and society, necessitating global net-zero emissions to limit further impacts. Achieving this goal requires transformative changes across industries, supported by robust knowledge of how these shifts can succeed. In response to these challenges, the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM) has been a key tool in national climate research, addressing mitigation and adaptation strategies on both regional and global scales. To maintain Norway’s leadership in climate modeling, the Infrastructure for Norwegian Earth System Modelling phase 2 (INES2) has secured crucial funding from the Research Council of Norway (RCN).
The second phase of INES will upgrade the NorESM, ensuring it remains at the forefront of addressing critical climate issues. INES2 focuses on several key objectives, including upgrading the NorESM model for advanced climate prediction capabilities and providing essential tools for climate research and decision-making. Structured into four project pillars, INES2 will enhance model functionality, ensure compatibility with national and international climate assessments, improve user access and training, and develop configurations for practical climate services and predictions. This next phase will support Norway’s ability to tackle pressing climate challenges while continuing its participation in global climate research efforts.

The NorESM4CMIP7 project has secured funding from the Research Council of Norway (RCN) to advance the development of the NorESM3 model, which will enhance understanding of climate and the Earth system. Spearheaded by the multidisciplinary NorESM Climate Modeling Consortium (NCC), the project aims to ensure Norway’s active and timely participation in the upcoming international Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP7). The NorESM3 model will conduct key CMIP7 experiments to assess emissions reduction strategies, providing critical insights for achieving the Paris Agreement goals. The project will focus on understanding accelerated global warming, the effects of emissions reductions, and the potential irreversibility of Earth system changes.
Central to the project are four major objectives: validating NorESM3 for simulating historical climate, improving atmospheric and biogeochemical cycle models, identifying the causes of recent warming trends, and assessing future climate dynamics under various emissions scenarios. NorESM4CMIP7 will leverage its modular model design to explore complex interactions within the Earth’s systems, with a particular focus on processes in polar regions and global carbon-climate dynamics. The project’s findings will contribute to international climate research and help inform future mitigation and adaptation policies.